Category Archives: Blog – i973 Shreveport’s #1 Hit Music Station

Are People in Shreveport-Bossier Good Liars?

Are People in Shreveport-Bossier Good Liars?

Would you say you’re a good liar.  More than one in four Americans say YES. Someone polled over 5,000 people across the U.S. and asked them to rate how good of a liar they are. 28% said they’re good or excellent at lying to people, and another 23% said they’re a decent liar.  So that’s…MORE

SWEPCO to Continue Disconnections Despite City  Council Vote

SWEPCO to Continue Disconnections Despite City Council Vote

You’ve probably noticed you SWEPCO bill being sky-high as of late. The Shreveport City Council noticed that too, and they attempted to offer help to the many Shreveporters who desperately need it. Earlier this week, with a vote of 4-1, the Shreveport City Council agreed to ask SWEPCO to discontinue disconnections for the time being.…MORE

Get Ready Shreveport!  The Cost Of Disney+ Is Going Up!

Get Ready Shreveport! The Cost Of Disney+ Is Going Up!

You’ll Have to Pay More to Watch Disney+ Ad-Free Starting December 8th  Starting December 8th, Disney+ will show commercials.  Unless you want to pay more, which seems to be the way streaming services are going. Subscribers will have the choice to stay at $7.99 per month, but will have to endure family-friendly ads.  This version…MORE

Are Ketchup and Mustard-Flavored Doritos Coming to Shreveport?

Are Ketchup and Mustard-Flavored Doritos Coming to Shreveport?

We’ve talked before about weird food combos… and this is for sure one of them. People seem to want to put ketchup on everything — even Doriots. Right now you can only buy these ketchup and mustard flavored Doritos online — would you buy them? View this post on Instagram A post shared by CandyHunting…MORE

New Fastest Gas Pump in Shreveport Crowned

New Fastest Gas Pump in Shreveport Crowned

No one, and I mean absolutely no one enjoys a trip to the gas pump these days. Still, it’s unavoidable for all of us who don’t own Tesla’s or bicycles. Having said that, I’ve always been on the lookout for extremely fast gas pumps in Shreveport-Bossier. Through the years, I have found plenty of them,…MORE

Shreveport Pumpkin Spice Watch

Shreveport Pumpkin Spice Watch

I know it’s 90 degrees but, look – to me .. it’s always Pumpkin Spice season! The rumor online is The Pumpkin Spice Latte is coming back to Starbucks on August 30th. If you’re a Pumpkin Spice everything addict like me — let’s start a Pumpkin Spice Watch list…text me at 318-320-0973 when you see…MORE

More People Have Full-Blown Discussions with Their Dogs Than Cats

More People Have Full-Blown Discussions with Their Dogs Than Cats

There’s nothing strange about asking a pet if they’re hungry or something, but if you’re having long conversations with them about your day . . . or Paul in accounting . . . or supply chain issues . . . that’s kinda weird, right? A poll asked pet owners if they talk “at length” with…MORE

Need Some Coffee To Wake Up, Shreveport?  Try These TikTok Coffee Hacks!

Need Some Coffee To Wake Up, Shreveport? Try These TikTok Coffee Hacks!

 If you’re sick of the same old cup of coffee, here are a few quick-and-easy coffee hacks from TikTok . . . 1.  Stronger iced coffee.  Instead of normal ice cubes, freeze the coffee itself.  Or freeze whatever type of creamer you like.  Then it won’t get watered down. 2.  Instant espresso.  Just mix a bunch of…MORE