Category Archives: Blog – i973 Shreveport’s #1 Hit Music Station

Ark-La-Tex Could Get Summer’s Worth of Rain This Week

Ark-La-Tex Could Get Summer’s Worth of Rain This Week

For those who live under a rock, it has been a really, really dry summer in the Ark-La-Tex. Before this week, I can’t remember the last time our area had a severe, long-lasting rain. However, that all changes this week. If your like me, you struggled to sleep through the night last night as thunderous…MORE

Spirit Halloween Is Open In The Shreveport Area

Spirit Halloween Is Open In The Shreveport Area

You know fall has arrived when Spirit Halloween opens for the season, and let’s be honest it’s one of my favorite stores to waste time and spend alot of money in! Spirit Halloween has several locations across the ArkLaTex.. including several in Shreveport, in Bossier, Texarkana and East Texas. Find the one closet to you…MORE

Watch Will Smith and His Son Try to Catch a Tarantula in Their House

Watch Will Smith and His Son Try to Catch a Tarantula in Their House

Will Smith and his son Trey were just minding their own business when they noticed a FREAKIN’ TARANTULA walking across the floor of their house. Will filmed the spider while standing on a chair, and he told Trey to get rid of it because, quote, “you’re young and strong, you can handle the bite.” View this post on…MORE

WATCH: Welcome to Louisiana 😌 tip your servers and bartenders and dont hit a pothole 🕳

WATCH: Welcome to Louisiana 😌 tip your servers and bartenders and dont hit a pothole 🕳

This TikTok’er from Louisiana is giving us all life right now @kaitlynmcquin @kaitlynmcquin Welcome to Louisiana 😌 tip your servers and bartenders and dont hit a pothole 🕳 ♬ original sound – Kaitlyn McQuin @kaitlynmcquin people from Louisiana when they’re not in Louisiana: sequoia national park edition 🌲 ♬ original sound – Kaitlyn McQuin @kaitlynmcquin…MORE

People Are Sharing the Things They “Silently Judge” Others For

People Are Sharing the Things They “Silently Judge” Others For

Has this happened to you?  You’re walking your grocery cart to the designated drop-off space, and you see someone hopping in their car and just leaving their cart in the middle of the parking lot.  You roll your eyes, right? There’s a thread online where people are talking about the things they “silently judge” other…MORE

You Can Tell if Jeans Will Fit by Wrapping Them Around Your Neck?

You Can Tell if Jeans Will Fit by Wrapping Them Around Your Neck?

Have you heard of this trick before, and does it work for you?  There’s a TikTok “hack” going viral that’s supposed to tell you if a pair of jeans will fit or not, without having to try them on. While they’re zipped up and buttoned, just take the waistband and wrap it around your NECK.  (???)…MORE

The Most Googled Baby Names In Shreveport

The Most Googled Baby Names In Shreveport

“Baby name experts” have released a list of the top Google searches for “Can I name my baby . . . [blank]?”  There are dozens of “names” on it, but here are the highlights: 1.  Apple . . . Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin did it. 2.  Amen. 3.  Baby . . . In addition to lacking creativity, this could create…MORE