Category Archives: Homepage

Coke with Coffee is (finally) here

Coke with Coffee is (finally) here

Coke with Coffee is (finally) here By Danielle Wiener-Bronner, CNN Business (CNN) –Coke with Coffee is finally launching Monday in the United States after being available for years internationally. The product is made with Brazilian coffee andcomes in dark blend, vanilla and caramel flavors. There’s also a calorie-free zero sugar version. Each 12-ounce can has…MORE

A First Feline Is Coming!

A First Feline Is Coming!

OK – full disclosure that cat in the photo is my 20  year old cat, Phoebe, and while she feels that she would deserve to live in the White House.. she won’t be that lucky, but, one lucky cat will get the title of First Cat, very soon!   From our plans to deliver economic…MORE

A Dog Waits Outside a Hospital For Its Owner . . . For Six Days

A Dog Waits Outside a Hospital For Its Owner . . . For Six Days

A video has gone viral of dog in Turkey that waited outside a hospital for her owner . . . for six days.  She followed the ambulance TO the hospital.  The man’s daughter would take the dog home at night, but it kept going back.     (( Photo Credit: YouTube Screen Grab))MORE

What Movies Make You Cry???

What Movies Make You Cry???

Is there a movie that ALWAYS makes you cry . . . no matter how many times you’ve seen it?  Someone posed that question on Twitter this weekend, and it went viral.   The original poster said these four do it for him:  “Apollo 13”, “Big Fish”, “The Green Mile”, and “Saving Private Ryan”.  But hundreds of others added THEIR top…MORE

A Former Intern Is Suing Kanye!

A Former Intern Is Suing Kanye!

      Looks like a former intern from Kanye’s “YEEZY” clothing brand is suing him over using her image in IG posts. Read More From The Hollywood Reporter!MORE

No New Music From DrakeThis Month After All

No New Music From DrakeThis Month After All

    Drake isn’t releasing his new album “Certified Lover Boy” this month after all.   #Drake announces we’re going to have to wait a little longer for his highly anticipated album #CertifiedLoverBoy. 😩 @Drake — REVOLT TV (@revolttv) January 22, 2021 Drake says it will be sometime later this year before his next…MORE

New Cereal Turns Your Milk Into Cold Brew Coffee

New Cereal Turns Your Milk Into Cold Brew Coffee

According to Pop Sugar, there’s a new cereal called Dash, that will turn your cereal milk into cold brew as you eat it thanks to it cacao and intelligentsia coffee ingredients. All the ingredients are organic, vegan, gluten-free, and lightly sweetened with organic cane sugar and the Dash mascot is the very first female cereal character, which is…MORE

Louisiana is launching voluntary contact tracing app called COVID Defense.

Louisiana is launching voluntary contact tracing app called COVID Defense.

Louisiana is launching voluntary contact tracing app called COVID Defense. People who sign up will learn if they come in close contact with someone else using the app who tests positive for COVID-19. @JoeKanter says participation is anonymous, no tracking location. #lalege #lagov — Melinda Deslatte (@MelindaDeslatte) January 22, 2021MORE