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A McDonald’s spokesperson said: “Despite the speculation, there is no secret formula to our recipe. We’re delighted to hear that our customers enjoy drinking our Coca-Cola.” BUT… there IS a secret as to why it tastes so good… Read more from The New York Post. … MORE
No matter what Lauren Graham is doing or who she’s working with, she has to be ready at a moment’s notice to participate in a “Gilmore Girls” reunion. As silly as it sounds, this is true. She says, “I put that window into all my new jobs, just in case…So that door is open.” She adds, “The shows…… MORE
Dear @HannahMontana, I still love you 15 years later. #HMForever pic.twitter.com/TBqZd5aOKh — Miley Ray Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) March 24, 2021 (Featured Image Photo Credit: Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images)… MORE
Disney has announced how and when several of its 2021 releases will see the light of day. “Black Widow” and “Cruella” will hit Disney+ AND theaters at the same time. But on Disney+, you’ll have to rent them for an EXTRA $30. “Cruella” comes out May 28th, while “Black Widow” has been pushed back to July 9th. Pixar’s new…… MORE
Here’s what’s coming to Netflix in April 2021📺 https://t.co/pUfD94w2aB pic.twitter.com/eRjHjTV5SQ — Goss.ie (@goss_ie) March 23, 2021… MORE
If you like EVERYONE you work with, you’re lucky . . . or lying to yourself. Because a new survey found 92% of us have at least one coworker we find annoying. Here are the 10 most annoying behaviors . . . 1. They’re too loud. Over 85% said loud coworkers are…… MORE
You’ve probably spent a LOT of time inside your house in the past year . . . more than you ever expected. So what have you done to the place to make yourself happy . . . or at least SANE? A new survey asked people what they do to their house to…… MORE
In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, Davi wants to prank someone. Who? Her gynecologist! And let’s just say this prank involves some temporary hair dye. Is this a good idea or not?… MORE