Category Archives: Homepage

Who Stresses You Out The Most??

Who Stresses You Out The Most??

Fridays and Saturdays are the least-stressful days of the week, according to a new poll.  Monday was voted the most stressful by far, and Sundays are second.     If you need to BLAME someone for all that stress, here you go:  People were asked to name the most stressful person in their life.  And…MORE

7 Things to Stop Saying to Your Single Friends

7 Things to Stop Saying to Your Single Friends

    These are seven things your single bestie doesn’t want to hear.        1. “What happened? You two seemed so perfect…”        2. “You’re so lucky, because now you can do whatever you want.”        3. “Seriously, how are you still single?”        4. “You have…MORE

Severe Weather Is Possible Friday

Severe Weather Is Possible Friday

Two rounds of severe weather are likely between now and the weekend. The first round of storms will move in early this afternoon. The 2nd round will be late Friday. Posted by KTAL NBC 6 on Wednesday, April 7, 2021MORE

The Bert Show: Is It Possible To Potty Train A Child In 48 hours?

The Bert Show: Is It Possible To Potty Train A Child In 48 hours?

She desperately wants to potty train her daughter in TWO DAYS! Why? Because she bet her husband that she could. She wants a bigger car, but they’re spending a lot of money on diapers. Her husband agreed she can get a new car if she can potty train their daughter in 48 hours. Is it…MORE

This Weeks A-HOLE Of The Week Paid Someone In Pennies!!

This Weeks A-HOLE Of The Week Paid Someone In Pennies!!

Every week Davi goes hunting for a*holes. They’re everywhere, but only one can be named A*Hole of the Week. Andreas Flatens left his job at an auto shop because of a toxic work environment. He spent months trying to get his final paycheck, and eventually, he received it in the form of PENNIES!  When his former…MORE