Moe is an astrology guru. Before Moe joined our show, he was known for the videos he used to put out…all about the zodiac and astrological signs. Today, he’s saying goodbye to Aries season, and he’s not holding back.… MORE

Moe is an astrology guru. Before Moe joined our show, he was known for the videos he used to put out…all about the zodiac and astrological signs. Today, he’s saying goodbye to Aries season, and he’s not holding back.… MORE
We used to do a bit called “War of the Roses” back in the day where we’d pretend to be a florist, call a guy who was allegedly cheating, tell him he won a free bouquet of roses, and ask him who he wants to send them to. If he picked his wife, yay!…but if…… MORE
[vemba-video id=”us/2021/04/21/donald-williams-george-floyd-chauvin-sidner-pkg-newday-vpx.cnn”]… MORE
Bert just dropped a MAJOR bombshell on us – he and Tiffany are now engaged! This is GREAT news, and we are so excited for these two! How did Bert break the news? He dropped this news in the middle of a segment that he TRICKED us into! Listen:… MORE
Someone looked at the #1 DRUNK fast food joint in all 50 states by checking which one people Google the most on the biggest drinking days of the year. McDonald’s is first overall with 22 states. Then Burger King with 14, and Wendy’s with four. Wyoming is the only state where Taco Bell is #1.… MORE
Got drama in your life that you want advice on…but want to stay anonymous? No problem! Send us an email at [email protected] (and mention you want to stay anonymous) and we’ll tell your story on the air and get the advice you need – without saying who you are! She and her partner are currently going through…… MORE
There you are minding your business online, and troll shows up out of nowhere. You have NO CLUE who they are, but they continue to troll you on all of your social media accounts. You want to confront them, but you just don’t KNOW how to – and that’s where we come in! We’ll reach…… MORE
Doing chores is great for your BRAIN, according to a new study. The researchers found that people who do a lot of housework have bigger and stronger brains . . . which is a key to staying sharp as you get older and even avoiding things like dementia.… MORE
During this past year, have you found yourself needing to find little things to make yourself happy . . . and even just to get you through the day? A new survey asked people what “simple pleasures” in life make them the happiest. And here are the top 10 . . . …… MORE