Category Archives: Homepage

The Bert Show: Kristin Has A New Mom Dilemma

The Bert Show: Kristin Has A New Mom Dilemma

It’s been 13 weeks since Kristin gave birth, and she’s starting to look at her body differently. Her body has changed, and now she’s not sure what she should do about her clothes. Should she buy new clothes or wait until she loses the baby weight?MORE

The Bert Show: These Stories Will Totally Make You Gasp!

The Bert Show: These Stories Will Totally Make You Gasp!

Kristin and Moe came across some WILD stories that left us all shocked. For starters, a woman had her eyelid RIPPED OFF by a chihuahua during her lash appointment.  Then another woman STOLE a dead woman’s credit card 17 minutes after she passed away! She used the card to buy snacks in a vending machine. Four days later, the…MORE

The Bert Show: She Had The Perfect Kiss…With Another Man!

The Bert Show: She Had The Perfect Kiss…With Another Man!

Uh-oh, our listener messed up BAD! She was out on a business trip, and she connected with a man. The two had a very romantic kiss. Here’s the problem: She’s MARRIED to someone else! She feels guilty and swears the kiss meant nothing. Should she tell her husband what happened?MORE