Category Archives: Homepage

#TheBertShowOnDemand: Santa Scared Straight — Summer Edition!

#TheBertShowOnDemand: Santa Scared Straight — Summer Edition!

Got a kid that’s acting up? Yeah, we know it’s the summer, but don’t forget…Santa is ALWAYS watching…even when he’s on vacation. So instead of having your kid end up with coal (or something else really weird) in their stocking, have Santa give them a little mid-summer phone call to set ‘em straight. Today Santa…MORE

#TheBertShowOnDemand: His Friend Ratted Him Out For Cheating! Now What?

#TheBertShowOnDemand: His Friend Ratted Him Out For Cheating! Now What?

Our listener confided in his best friend and told him about his affair. But his friend told his girlfriend EVERYTHING. Here’s the thing: His friend’s girlfriend is close to his girlfriend. So of course, she told her he’s cheating. Now our listener is PISSED and wants his friend to help him fix the situation. Is…MORE

#TheBertShowOnDemand: What Do You Keep As A New Mom?

#TheBertShowOnDemand: What Do You Keep As A New Mom?

Kristin’s baby is three months old, and he already has a TON of stuff. She’s starting to go through it, but she isn’t sure what things she should keep. So Kristin needs some advice from parents. What should you keep, and what should you let go of?MORE

It’s Almost Time For Back to School

It’s Almost Time For Back to School

2021 is flying by — and it’s almost time to go back to school!  Here are some first day back to school for some districts in the area:   Caddo Parish: BACK TO SCHOOL on AUGUST 23rd Bossier Parish: BACK TO SCHOOL on AUGUST 12th DeSoto Parish: BACK TO SCHOOL on AUGUST 4th Waskom Independent…MORE

The Bert Show: Would You Rather: First Date Edition!

The Bert Show: Would You Rather: First Date Edition!

We’ve all had some terrible first dates in our lifetime. but nothing compares to the horrifying stories Kristin found. So it’s time to play another round of “would you rather” the first date edition. From pooping your pants on a date to your date pretending to be in a reality show, we have some tough…MORE

The Bert Show: #TextingTutor Can We Help Her Get Out Of The Friend Zone

The Bert Show: #TextingTutor Can We Help Her Get Out Of The Friend Zone

You like them. You had a connection. But you just don’t KNOW how to take it  to the next level…especially if you’re not the kind of forward person who wants to ask the them out, or if you’re scared of rejection. So sometimes, you just need a little help scoring that date – and that’s…MORE

The Bert Show: A Listener Called Out Bert For Being Sexist?!

The Bert Show: A Listener Called Out Bert For Being Sexist?!

Bert ran into a few problems during his vacation and was separated from his family for a day. During that time, he told his son he needed to be the “man of the group” and help out. This message rubbed a listener the wrong way. She believes that asking him to be the man of…MORE