ou probably went to some birthday parties at McDonald’s when you were a kid. And they’d have a cake at those parties with Ronald McDonald on it. And I’m guessing you haven’t thought about the cake since that moment. McDonald’s sells birthday cakes …. like a whole birthday cake but their ice cream machine…… MORE
You LOVE this restaurant, and they have the BEST FOOD EVER! It’s so good that you would do ANYTHING to get your hands on the meal. What is the meal, and what restaurant is it coming from?… MORE
[vemba-video id=”e702d387b988d085a0c9cbf12ca60dd”]… MORE
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Do you have “next day anxiety”? A new survey found it’s the #1 thing that keeps us up at night. Also, it takes an average of 27 minutes to fall asleep. And 54% of us have trouble sleeping without our favorite pillow. A new survey found the #1 thing keeping us up at night is “next day…… MORE
Gaaaahhhhhhhh, a friend of mine in Sydney just walked into her daughter’s room and found this: pic.twitter.com/3UKMEHtGHt — 💧 Petie R 🇦🇺🌟🦄🌱🌈🌏 (@PrinPeta) January 27, 2021 So, for everyone saying it’s Photoshopped, here is her actual video. pic.twitter.com/2Zcro0nra7 — 💧 Petie R 🇦🇺🌟🦄🌱🌈🌏 (@PrinPeta) January 28, 2021… MORE
Here’s a good free deal you should know about . . . even if it’s clearly taking advantage of February only being 28 days. Dunkin’ Donuts is giving out a free medium hot coffee today, and every Monday for the month, when you buy anything else. You just need to join their rewards club. You…… MORE
A bunch of sound experts have named the sound that humans find most annoying. Some of their picks are: 1. Vomiting. 2. Things our neighbors do that we can’t control, like construction or throwing a party. 3. Chalkboard scraping. 4. A loud artificial heart valve, which creates a loud, permanent sound coming from your…… MORE
Right now, when you finish a bowl of Lucky Charms, all of the color dyes from the marshmallows leave your milk a kind of greyish sludge color. So I GUESS this is an improvement? There’s a new limited-edition version of Lucky Charms coming out for St. Patrick’s Day this year. And when you finish eating…… MORE