Category Archives: Magic Blog

WHAT?  A Ketchup Shortage Is Coming??

WHAT? A Ketchup Shortage Is Coming??

We’re looking at a nationwide ketchup shortage because of the pandemic.  Because so many restaurants are now doing more to-go orders, they’re going through a ton of packets . . . and prices are up 13% in 14 months.  We’re also buying more bottles of ketchup at home than ever.  In 2020, there were more…MORE

Target’s Trade In Car Seat Program Is Back!

Target’s Trade In Car Seat Program Is Back!

If you have an old carseat, Target will take it! In exchange, get a 20% off coupon for a new seat, stroller or select baby gear when you trade in your old car seat with Target◎circleℱ from 4/5–4/17.* Find more details here: – Car Seat Trade-In EventMORE

The #1 “Sauce” Each State Googles More Than Other States

The #1 “Sauce” Each State Googles More Than Other States

Someone looked at the sauce or condiment each state googles more than other states.   For the ArkLaTex – we google Tabasco in Louisiana more than any other sauce — ketchup in Texas and Worcestershire sauce in Arkansas.  Here’s where the rest of the country lined up:MORE

Five Random Facts

Five Random Facts

  1.  If all seven billion people on the planet played in a single-elimination rock-paper-scissors tournament, you’d only need to win 33 games to become the champion. 2.  When the movie “Bad Boys” was first being developed, the plan was to have Jon Lovitz and Dana Carvey as the stars.  After some rewrites and changes to the film, it wound up…MORE

If I Won This $25,000 with The $25,000 Payoff!

If I Won This $25,000 with The $25,000 Payoff!

If I had 25k I’d be hopping a flight with my Mama to Hawaii. Once we got there, I’d take her to the yummiest place to eat and we’d stay at the most beautiful hotel. My Mom definitely deserves a magical trip. Then I’d pay my car off and invest some of that money into…MORE

Say What??   A Naked Man Tried To Swim In Kendall Jenner’s Pool

Say What?? A Naked Man Tried To Swim In Kendall Jenner’s Pool

Being rich and famous isn’t always a picnic.  One look at Kendall Jenner’s week is all the proof you need. The other day she had to get a restraining order against a man who was threatening to murder her.  And now we’re finding out that on Sunday morning at 2:00 A.M., a naked man tried to…MORE

Oscar Mayer Is Releasing Shoelaces That Smell Like Bacon

Oscar Mayer Is Releasing Shoelaces That Smell Like Bacon

Oscar Mayer just announced they’re going to be giving out shoelaces that smell like BACON.  The shoelaces also LOOK like strips of bacon, because why not?   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Oscar Mayer (@oscarmayer) If you’re interested, you can enter by tweeting the hashtags #OscarCookMyKicks and #Sweepstakes by the…MORE