Category Archives: Blog

WATCH: Video Shows Pizza Drive Shaming Customer Over Not Leaving A Tip

WATCH: Video Shows Pizza Drive Shaming Customer Over Not Leaving A Tip

he tough part about working for tips is you can’t complain when someone DOESN’T tip . . . or maybe you can.  Who’s the jerk here? @_royal_tee__ Dominos delivery driver asks for the tip before even handing over the pizza. Looks like she didn't get a tip at all. who's side are yall on? #dominos…MORE

What Baffles Men About Women In Shreveport

What Baffles Men About Women In Shreveport

Someone online was talking about things about women that just baffle men in Shreveport — and honestly some, well, most of these are just stereotypes.. but, still there’s truth to a few. So guys answer the question below.. what about you women in the Shreveport area and throughout the ArkLaTex baffles you?? 1.  Decorative pillows. …MORE

Is A White Christmas In Store For Shreveport This Year?

Is A White Christmas In Store For Shreveport This Year?

You know the song… I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, but, let’s be honest.. how often does that happen in Shreveport? Well, maybe this year it’ll happen. Check out these forecast models that show 5 to 6 inches of snow. Meteorologists say don’t freak out just yet, there are several forecast models they look at,…MORE

Are People In Shreveport More Of A Santa, a Scrooge, or a Grinch?

Are People In Shreveport More Of A Santa, a Scrooge, or a Grinch?

2022 has been a stressful year for all of us… are you in the Christmas spirit? What about people as a whole in the Shreveport area? Are people in Shreveport and throughout the ArkLaTex feeling the joy, or feeling the stress? A poll asked people if they’re mostly identifying with the giving spirit of Santa…MORE

Mother And Child Killed In Caddo Parish tornado

Mother And Child Killed In Caddo Parish tornado

Search crews have recovered the bodies of a woman and her young son from the wreckage left behind by a tornado that tore through the Pecan Farms area in the south Caddo Parish community of Keithville early Tuesday evening, according to the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office. According to our news partners at KTAL NBC-6: The sheriff’s office says the…MORE

West Shreveport to Get A New Starbucks

West Shreveport to Get A New Starbucks

Get ready West Shreveport – you’ll soon have another option to get morning coffee and those seasonal PSL’s and Peppermint coffee’s. A new Starbucks is scheduled to open in West Shreveport on Greenwood Road. The physical address of the new location is 6215 Greenwood Road. Another new Starbucks on East Kings near Youree is alost…MORE

BREAKING NEWS: Due To Severe Weather Caddo Schools Closing early Today

BREAKING NEWS: Due To Severe Weather Caddo Schools Closing early Today

Due to the threat of severe weather in the Shreveport area today, Caddo schools will dismiss early on Tuesday December 13th. Elementary Schools will be dismissing at 12pm, middle schools in the Caddo district at 12:30 and high school at 1pm. Caddo Schools in Shreveport says buses will run, however, parents are encouraged to pick…MORE

Top Shreveport TikTok Life Hacks of 2022

Top Shreveport TikTok Life Hacks of 2022

I kinda got addicted to TikTok a bit in 2022! And here are some of the best TikTok #LifeHacks for Shreveport and beyond. What’s something you learned on TikTok? Anyone try this potato trick, btw??. 1.  A guy shares a Navy SEAL trick for getting the perfect, eight-minute power nap.  It’s basically just lying on your back…MORE