Category Archives: Blog

Carole Baskins “Dead Hubsand” Is Actually Alive!

Carole Baskins “Dead Hubsand” Is Actually Alive!

When the tiger craze hit in 2020, we all basically came to hate Carole Baskin because she killed her husband and fed him to the tigers — OR DID SHE?! According to RadarOnline, Tiger King star Carole Baskin‘s former husband Don Lewis isn’t dead after all, has learned. Lewis vanished in 1997, just six years after marrying Baskin in 1991,…MORE

What Childhood Toys Do We Have Laying Around in Shreveport?

What Childhood Toys Do We Have Laying Around in Shreveport?

If you think about all the stuff we lug around from family home to family home . . . a good chunk of it is OLD CHILDHOOD TOYS.   A new poll found that the average adult in Shreveport keeps 20 toys from their childhood. 65% of people say they kept toys to pass them down…MORE

Five More Cases of Chronic Wasting Disease Found in Louisiana Deer

Five More Cases of Chronic Wasting Disease Found in Louisiana Deer

Attention hunters… We may be on the verge of a CWD outbreak in Louisiana. Five more cases of chronic wasting disease have been discovered in deer harvested in Tensas Parish. This comes after a second case of CWD was confirmed last month. State Wildlife Veterinarian Jim LaCour said the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries…MORE

Here’s How To Get Revenge On A Drive-Thru HONKER In The Shreveport Area

Here’s How To Get Revenge On A Drive-Thru HONKER In The Shreveport Area

No matter how rushed you think you are, your time isn’t any more valuable than anyone else’s. Maybe try this the next time someone in a drive thru in the ArkLaTex tries to rush you placing your order! A woman shared a story on Facebook, claiming that she was in a long line at a…MORE

What Time Of The Day Are People In Shreveport The Most Productive?

What Time Of The Day Are People In Shreveport The Most Productive?

Would you say you’re more productive in the morning, or the afternoon?  If you said afternoon, you’re an outlier in the Shreveport area.  At least according to this . . . A poll found the average office worker in the Shreveport area and honestly everywhere is most productive at 10:22 A.M., and then it’s all…MORE

The Shreveport Connection To The Movie “Titanic”

The Shreveport Connection To The Movie “Titanic”

“Titanic” is a classic — remember when it came out in theaters and it was almost a game to see who had seen it in the movie theater the most? The iconic 1997 romantic film loosely based on the “Titanic” disaster will reappear in theaters across the country next month. Did you know the highest…MORE

Here’s Where to Get Your Crawfish Craving Met in the Shreveport Area

Here’s Where to Get Your Crawfish Craving Met in the Shreveport Area

The prices for crawfish are more expensive this year than last, but, that’s not going to stop anyone in the Shreveport area from getting their mudbug fix! Our news partners at KTAL NBC 6 have done the work for you to find the best crawfish in the Shreveport area. Click here to check out the…MORE

Shreveport  on list for worst life expectancy, report finds

Shreveport on list for worst life expectancy, report finds

 Where you live has a big impact on how long you live, a recent analysis of major U.S. metro areas finds. According to our news partners at KTAL NBC 6, those living in Bridgeport, CT and San Francisco have the highest life expectancies. Residents of Honolulu also ranked hi on the list. The Shreveport area,…MORE

Shreveport Mudbugs Return for a Huge Home Weekend

Shreveport Mudbugs Return for a Huge Home Weekend

To say the Shreveport Mudbugs are on a roll would be a massive understatement. They look to carry their momentum into this weekend with two huge games in front of a packed and rowdy crowd.MORE