Category Archives: Blog – QA Blog

Is There A Turkey Shortage In Shreveport

Is There A Turkey Shortage In Shreveport

It’s almost Thanksgiving and like everything the price of turkey’s are up – and it appears there’s a turkey shortage in Shreveport and throughout the ArkLaTex! They’re saying the price of turkeys in Shreveport could be almost double what they were last year. Here’s why there’s a massive turkey shortage in Shreveport and across the…MORE

The Top 5 Horror Movies Filmed In Louisiana To Watch On Halloween!

The Top 5 Horror Movies Filmed In Louisiana To Watch On Halloween!

According to IMDB these are the top scary movies that were filmed in the state of Louisiana to add to your Netflix or Hulu queue and watch as it gets closer to Halloween. Which one of these will you be watching in the Shreveport-Bossier as it gets closer to Halloween? THE SKELETON KEY THE BLOB…MORE

It Could Be A Stormy Next Few Days in the Shreveport Area

It Could Be A Stormy Next Few Days in the Shreveport Area

It’s been a gorgeous weekend in the ArkLaTex and meteorologists from our weather and news partners at KTAL-TV NBC 6 says much needed rain and even storms are on their way to the Shreveport-Bossier area. According to KTAL-TV NBC 6: The seven-day forecast shows rain gradually ending late Tuesday as the cold front exits the…MORE

Shreveport Band Director Allegedly Called Vulgar Names To Students Mom

Shreveport Band Director Allegedly Called Vulgar Names To Students Mom

This is wild… the band director at Southwood High School allegedly called the parent of a student a vulgar name in a selfie video. In the video posted by KTBS-TV, Lennard Holden, the band director, looked directly into the camera and called the mother of a student a vulgar name. According to KTBS: The parents…MORE

Woman Falls in Large Hole; Stuck for Hours

Woman Falls in Large Hole; Stuck for Hours

A woman in Oklahoma was walking along the side of the street, when all of a sudden, the unthinkable happened… She fell deep into a large hole next to the street and found herself completely stranded.MORE

Learning Express Toys of Shreveport Celebrates 10 Years

Learning Express Toys of Shreveport Celebrates 10 Years

Learning Express Toys of Shreveport is one of my legit favorite places. Not only do they have the largest Squishmallow selection in the ArkLaTex (seriously the wall is insane) but, they have toys and stuff for all ages. Check out the slime collections, especially if you suffer from anxiety or stress – it really can…MORE

Dogs In Shreveport Notice When We’re Stupid and Female Dogs Make Us Pay For It

Dogs In Shreveport Notice When We’re Stupid and Female Dogs Make Us Pay For It

When you can’t open a container or do a simple task – the last family member in the Shreveport-Bossier area that you’d expect to judge is .. well.. your pet, but, according to one study dogs in Shreveport DO notice humans’ incompetence when it came to things like the ability to open containers of food. …MORE

Shreveport Mayor Adrian Perkins Wants to Bring Back Baseball to Fairgrounds

Shreveport Mayor Adrian Perkins Wants to Bring Back Baseball to Fairgrounds

This week, Shreveport mayor Adrian Perkins announced a partnership between the city and a Texas-based company to bring baseball back to the Fairgrounds. While this is certainly exciting, I think I will stay cautiously optimistic. While I would absolutely love to see baseball return to our city, this feels more like a pipedream than a…MORE

Candy Corn: Is It A Favorite Of Those In The Shreveport Area?

Candy Corn: Is It A Favorite Of Those In The Shreveport Area?

This is the time of the year that people purchase candy corn for Halloween. It’s a controversial candy. And it’s not different in Shreveport than anywhere else. Our un-sceientific poll says that candy corn in the ArkLaTex is well 50/50. You either LOVE candy corn or you HATE candy corn. So, what about your household?…MORE