Category Archives: Blog – Kiki’s World

How Do People in Shreveport Eat Their Fries??

How Do People in Shreveport Eat Their Fries??

There have been plenty of arguments about which restaurants have the best fries in the Shreveport area. But, once you get your fries – what do you do with them? Dip ’em? Eat them plain?? A poll asked people how they like their fries.  They asked about McDonald’s specifically, but it can probably be applied…MORE

Why Did An Egg Cause An Evacuation In South Louisiana?

Why Did An Egg Cause An Evacuation In South Louisiana?

Yes, the cost of eggs are insane and they’re enough to make anyone freak out – but, why did one egg cause an entire street to evacuate in St. Mary Parish? The St. Mary Parish Sheriff’s Office said an “unknown possible explosive device” that prompted an evacuation back on Saturday, Jan. 21, was actually an…MORE

Shreveport TikTok Life Hack: Make Pasta Stir Itself

Shreveport TikTok Life Hack: Make Pasta Stir Itself

  I always love to see things that are trending on TikTok in the Shreveport area. Is this person a genius, or has anyone else ever tried this? Some guy has been trending on TikTok in Shreveport and the ArkLaTex after he came up with a hack to make pasta stir ITSELF while it’s being…MORE

Former Shreveport Resident Wins Big on Wheel Of Fortune!

Former Shreveport Resident Wins Big on Wheel Of Fortune!

Preston Leslie now lives in Seattle, Washington — but, he’s a former Shreveport resident and a native of the area — and he was on “Wheel of Fortune” a few days ago and won $100,000 on “Wheel Of Fortune!” and the phrase that made him rich… well, just watch the footage below. ((Photo Credit: Preston…MORE

Louisiana School Cafeteria Worker Was Arrested for Selling Pot Brownies

Louisiana School Cafeteria Worker Was Arrested for Selling Pot Brownies

When you were in school, did any of the cafeteria workers demonstrate above-and-beyond culinary talents? A 45-year-old woman in Kentwood, Louisiana, in Tangipahoa Parish) named Tymetrica Cohns was a “temporary cafeteria worker” at a high school, when she was accused of selling homemade baked goods laced with marijuana. And yes, it was apparently happening AT…MORE