A Louisiana pastor has been arrested for allegedly molesting a minor for a span of several years. Louisiana State Police Trooper Kate Stegall says they were first made aware of the accusations last November, and the investigation turned up numerous alleged assaults that happened from 2010 to 2013; starting when the victim was just 14.
“During that time span, multiple incidences of the sexual relations occurred and ultimately our detectives were able to secure an arrest warrant for 56-year-old Milton Martin the Third.”
56-year-old Milton Martin III, of Chalmette, is charged with sexual battery and carnal knowledge of a juvenile. He is pastor of the First Pentecostal Church of Chalmette. He’s accused of molesting the victim for over three years. Stegall says the LSP Special Victims Unit investigation turned up sufficient evidence and victim testimony to issue a warrant for Martin’s arrest.
“This morning he turned himself in to authorities and was placed under arrest at the St. Bernard parish jail.”
Trooper Stegall says the alleged victim should be commended for having the courage to come forward and tell someone.
“It’s not uncommon for this initial bravery of this victim to be able to stimulate the bravery of other victims.”
Stegall says any others who may have been a victim of Milton – or any other abuser – should contact the State Police Special Victims Unit at 504-310-7011.