Field Gay became a favorite summer event for people all over Shreveport the last few summers – but, let’s face it.. summers in Shreveport can be.. well.. miserable – so they’re moving it to April!
Field Gay 2023 will be Saturday, April 1st from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at A.C. Steere Park in Shreveport.
There are ton of fun games for everyone to take part in, including the popular pizza box races!

In addition to Field Gay, ShrevePride’s calendar year includes the classic QProm scheduled for late June 2023, and the return of QUEST, a music and arts festival, slated for early 2024.
As a competitor, there are two ways to register: as a team (5-8 Players), or as an individual. Registration begins March 1st and is a suggested donation of $5 for individuals and $25 for teams. Vendor registration is also open for businesses, organizations, and food trucks. Find registration and schedule details at www.shrevepride.com/fieldgay.