Frightening Shootout Filmed on Lakeshore in Shreveport

This is absolutely heartbreaking to say the very least. If you’ve been on social media at all today, you’ve definitely scrolled across this video.

I actually scrolled past it quite a few times before I finally clicked it to see why it was being shared so frequently. Immediately, thinking about my friends and family who live in that area, and thinking about all the time I’ve spent there, I quickly became upset.

I know I’m not the only one. I know even with no connection whatsoever to that part of town, it’s still beyond heartbreaking to see this type of action take place in Shreveport, Louisiana. If you love Shreveport, you have to find this footage unsettling.

As of this writing, no details have been released whatsoever in regards to the incident. If any information surrounding this shootout comes out, I will update this article.