The Top 25 Opening Sequences in TV History!

A website has put together a ranking of the Top 25 opening sequences in TV history, and somehow the “Golden Girls” opening didn’t make the cut, despite its excellent theme song and fun ’80s vibe.

But maybe it was just too old.  Most of the shows on the list are from the past 25 years…meaning that either this is also a ‘Golden Age’ for TV opening sequences, or the writer is in his 30s and didn’t do much research.

Here’s the ones they chose:

1.  “The Sopranos

2.  “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

3.  “Game of Thrones

4.  “Mad Men

5.  “Cheers

6.  “Cops

7.  “The Walking Dead

8.  “True Blood

9.  “Weeds

10.  “The Simpsons

11.  “Dexter

12.  “Beverly Hills: 90210

13.  “True Detective“, the first season

14.  “The Office

15.  “The Wire“, the first season

16.  “Stranger Things

17.  “Deadwood

18.  “Full House

19.  “Entourage

20.  “Baywatch

21.  “M*A*S*H

22.  “Saved By the Bell

23.  “Big Little Lies

24.  “Friends

25.  “Arrested Development