A recent Reddit survey polled users, asking them for their favorite Pokémon. After 52,000 votes, the results were tallied, and there were definitely some surprises! First up, the bottom of the barrel. These poor four pocket monsters each received zero votes between them.
They are:
This isn’t too surprising, as each one is from later entries in the series. We all know OG Red and Blue are where it’s at! The top 5 is a little more traditional, although with one insane omission. Pikachu, practically the face of the franchise didn’t even make the top 10! Someone needs to go console Ryan Reynolds. So, who did make the top 5?
5) Blaziken
4) Bulbasaur
3) Arcanine
2) Gengar
1) Charizard
Of course Charizard was at number one! That card doesn’t go for over a grand for nothing!