National Mental Health Awareness Month… Here’s My Story

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month, and this one is a little personal to me – as someone who has battled depression and anxiety most of my adult life, I still understand how taboo the whole conversation is. 

Mental Health Awareness Month began in 1949, and  was started to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and to stop the stigma associated with mental health!   

Here’s something you may not know — at least 18% of Americans suffer from depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder, and that’s only the ones who are diagnosed.  So many others are suffering is silence because of the stigma attached to it.  And then there’s suicide which alot of suffers from mental illness subcomb to.

I’ve been trying to learn ways to deal with my anxiety more over the last few months, through medication and mediation – but, even then sometimes it’s hard to even leave the house, and if you battle it too – you know exactly what I’m talking about. 

NAMI is recognizing Mental Health Awareness Month with Sentimoji’s™ emojis.  They let you say what other emojis can’t. Download them today to show care and support for friends and loved ones. Available on Android or iOS.

If you’re suffering – there’s help and relief out there… The Northwest Louisiana Human Services District has some great resources right here in our backyard.  Mental Health America & NAMI are other places that offer great resources.